Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Spiritual Cure for Crankiness

Ever have one of those days when things don't go as planned, and while you know eventually you need to move into acceptance and "just get over it already," you seem to find yourself in a chronic state of crankiness? That happens to me sometimes; in fact, that is where I found myself this afternoon.  After some healthful venting, acknowledging my feelings and being with them for a while (rather than stuffing them down), I decided it was time to transform the energy.  I find it helpful to do something creative with my energy, and I remembered the power of expressing gratitude in the form of writing.

For this year's World Day of Prayer, Silent Unity sent out a packet of cards to send to loved ones which let them know that they will be included on the prayer list for 30 days. With all my involvement this year as Chair of the UISA World Day of Prayer Team, my WDOP prayer list has been on my mind for weeks, however I had neglected to put pen to paper until today. As I considered the people who have touched my life in this past year, the list grew beyond the number of lines allotted on the form!  My prayer list became a gratitude list, and allowed me to see my life from a higher view -- to step back from my focus on a singular experience and see the whole picture.

Now I am seeing all the good things I have to be grateful for, but what about that something that didn't go as planned? What about the disappointments? Do we just "get over it" and move on?

In Spiritual Economics, EB cites the Apostle Paul, who said, in effect, "In all things, give thanks." (p. 88) So that situation that went awry...that, too?  EB emphasizes that the phrase is not "for all things, give thanks," but rather, "in all things, give thanks." What's the difference? It is not a matter of feeling gratitude that a seemingly negative event occurred, it is the practice of having a grateful heart in all circumstances. EB explains: "Paul is stressing the importance of a grateful heart, not simply an expression of gratitude for things, but a heart that is grateful (full of greatness)....A grateful heart actually opens the way to the flow and becomes an attractive force to draw to itself great things." (p. 89)   
In shifting my awareness, I am now in a place in consciousness where I can confer a blessing upon even that difficult situation and those involved. I have an opportunity to grow, to learn and to transform my thinking from a grateful heart, and I now am seeing this situation from a whole new perspective. I recognize I have a choice as to how I will move forward, and I am choosing gratitude. Rather than stewing in my "rightness," I would prefer to radiate happiness, and gratitude takes me there.

I invite you to experience the greatness of your being, and choose an activity of gratitude today.  If you received those prayer cards or have some blank cards available, find a few minutes to bless a loved one with this gift of gratitude. You could send an email or text, but a handwritten note is such a rarity these days that it can truly touch someone's heart to know that someone took the extra time to acknowledge them. Just a few moments of gratitude can reset you to your natural flow of joy, and is a certain cure for crankiness!

Please join us, in person or via LiveStream, Thurs. Sept. 12th, 11am CT, for our Silent Unity prayer service with our future Unity ministers joined by Rev. Lynne Brown & music by Spiritus (from my home ministry, Unity of New York). We have a beautiful musical meditative experience planned for you featuring Myrtle Fillmore's affirmative words on this year's theme: "Living Well: Nurturing Mind, Body and Spirit." I hope you will join us & add your comments on the experience.

Blessings to you all, and Namaskar!

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Continuing Experience of Living from Within-out

Yesterday I had the sacred opportunity to give the talk and meditation -- as well as singing a lively version of one of my favorite Karen Drucker songs, "Song in My Soul," with Spiritus backing me up -- at the Sunday service at my home church, Unity of NY. I am at the beginning of my third year in the Masters of Divinity program at Unity Institute & Seminary, and as my June 2014 graduation and ordination draws ever nearer, and questions of future plans arise, I am reminded of the spiritual understanding that guided me to where I am today.

In my talk, I quoted this from EB's DTPWY: "The most profound knowledge that you can attain is that your whole existence flows forth inexorably from a universal process, which is always from within-out." I recognize that as I have set my intentions for expanding my consciousness in spiritual Truth and expressing my talents in service of Spirit, that the opportunities to learn, serve, and create the experiences I have been envisioning have continued to present themselves, and for this I am grateful. My inner work has been to maintain awareness of my thought patterns and notice when I have fallen into the "auto-pilot mode" of preparing for worst-case scenarios. (Practicing Insight Meditation has been a valuable tool in this process of present moment awareness.) We all have "default" settings of habitual thinking that are the products of our life experiences and coping mechanisms, and when we bring awareness to them, we then realize our power to choose where we will focus our energy -- either on energizing what we would like to create, or on feeding fear and negative thought states. 

As Truth practitioners and creative artists, we practice the art of living from within-out, trusting in knowing that our inner guidance is always available and will lead us to our highest good.  When we choose to act from heart-centeredness and wholeness, we align ourselves with the Truth of our being as a whole and perfect expression of God. When EB explains that our "whole existence flow forth inexorably from a universal process," he reminds us that God Consciousness is constantly flowing forth through our Higher Consciousness, or Christ Consciousness, and into our conscious awareness at the level of consciousness we are currently expressing. Therefore, if we are choosing to react in violence or anger, this minimizes our capacity to experience the free flow of the Good inherent in the moment.  This flow, however, is there, regardless -- but awaits our choice to be known to us. When we make a conscious effort to center in prayer, let go of resistance and open our minds to a higher understanding of the situation, we allow the conscious mind to be receptive to greater possibilities and expanded awareness. 

When I give talks, the talks serve to teach and feed me spiritually as the process of writing and preparing them offers me the opportunity to deeply reflect upon what I know as Truth and reinforce my commitment to continue to walk this path. While the details of my future plans beyond graduation are unfolding, I center myself in the knowledge that as I remain open to the flow of Good and act in faith from that awareness, that Good will continue to flow forth. It is exciting to envision the possibilities, and I am enjoying the process. Right where I am -- and right where you are -- is the place of optimal potential for the expression of Christ Consciousness in the world, and as we all choose together (I am knowing you are joining me in this) to shift our consciousness to living from within-out, we create a positive impact in global consciousness. 

Thank you for reading my birthday blog! I invite you to view my talk and meditation at Many blessings of All Good always! 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Grace over Karma -- Love, the Higher Law

Have you ever found yourself uttering the phrase "karma's gotta bite him in the ass" after acknowledging some wrongdoing of another? We sometimes assume we know how Divine Law is going to play out in a situation, and share in a concept of the Law of Cause and Effect that will result in an "eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" (Ex. 21:24) scenario for those who commit errors or act harmfully.  Yet it should come as no surprise when these situations play out more favorably than expected, as they do in our own lives. Because we hold ourselves up to the same standards as we do for others (we may actually be harder on ourselves!) and so while we may be flinching, waiting for the other shoe to drop, often it never does, and we are grateful. 

Traditionally, Christianity has called this concept of things not turning out as negatively as we imagine mercy or favor. I prefer grace.  Mercy and favor carry with them the idea that we are separate from God and we have to work to get things from God. Grace, however, is an aspect of Divine Law which is a higher law than Cause and Effect. Jesus brought into our consciousness this concept of transcending the law. When we understand that God is unconditional Love, always available, and we allow ourselves to become aware of that Love already present, we can shift our consciousness from living in the lower law of karma into the higher law of Love, Grace. 

Eric Butterworth addressed this concept of Grace in his book Celebrate Yourself! (p. 127):
"Grace explains the inadequacy of the idea of 'karma,' the endless cycle of cause and effect. It is true that 'as you sow so do you reap.' Yet, God's desire to express completely through you and as you is so great that you never completely reap the harvest of error, and you always reap more than you sow. This is grace."

On pg. 129, EB explains that grace " not something to work for, to develop. It simply is." Grace is always working on our behalf to bring forth the highest good. As in the U2 song "Grace": "Grace finds goodness in everything." 

U2 frontman Bono expresses his view of Grace in this excerpt from the book Bono: In Conversation with Michka Assayas:

"I really believe we've moved out of the realm of Karma into one of Grace. You see, at the center of all religions is the idea of Karma. You know, what you put out comes back to you: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, or in physics; in physical laws every action is met by an equal or an opposite one. It's clear to me that Karma is at the very heart of the universe. I'm absolutely sure of it. And yet, along comes this idea called Grace to upend all that "as you reap, so you will sow" stuff. Grace defies reason and logic. Love interrupts, if you like, the consequences of your actions, which in my case is very good news indeed, because I've done a lot of stupid stuff."

Grace is when things turn out even better than expected, when the reality of your dream is brighter than the colors of your vision. In December 2011, I wrote my first graduate theology research paper, "U2 in a Unity Church: The Theology of U2 in Metaphysical Perspective." I remember affirming, "This is an A paper...and wouldn't it be cool if it was chosen for the Unity Institute Lyceum?" When the theme of Lyceum 2012 was announced in January as "The Church in the Future," I remembered my vision, yet I doubted, thinking it was too soon, I was a first year student and had never even been to a lyceum. It wasn't until they extended the submissions deadline that I applied. And I was so surprised to be accepted! Two days before I was to present my paper this past April, I was told that the other presenter in my hour backed out, and I had the whole hour to fill. It was in these last hours before the Lyceum that I discovered some of the richest insights I have found in the connection of U2 and Unity. And I remember thinking, "wouldn't it be cool to give this talk at Unity of NY someday?" I had no idea that that day would be this Sunday! Grace has brought forth great opportunities through this exploration of U2 and Unity, and sooner than I imagined. If you are in the NY area, I hope you will join me on Sunday for "Unity & U2: the Metaphysics of U2" at the 11am service at Unity of NY, at Symphony Space @ 95th & Broadway in NYC. We have Broadway's Bryce Ryness singing 3 of U2's greatest songs with the fabulous UNY band. Join us & rock out to the message of Unity!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Discovering Eric Butterworth Live!

I am so grateful that this year has included 4 weeks of travel out to Unity Village, including my first national Unity convention in June and graduation from SEE Leadership at Unity Institute in August. While at the Village in August, I had the privilege of joining my teacher and Unity Online Radio host, Rev. Tom Thorpe, on his live show, Discovering Eric Butterworth. The show has been archived, and I invite you to take a listen as I share some of my personal theology and awakening live and unedited. You can find me about 22 minutes into the show in the second segment. I couldn't have been more thrilled to have had the opportunity to discuss Unity teachings with such an inspiring group of leaders, and am pleased that I can share the experience with you now.

Reclaiming the Bible, Part 6, Original Air Date 8/2/2011

You can also download this broadcast as a podcast on iTunes.

I hope to include more posts on this blog as I continue to explore the works of Eric Butterworth. I would love to hear your feedback on the broadcast, so please post your comments and insights.

As EB shares in The Creative Life, when Jesus says, "'You are the light of the world. . . Let your light shine,' he is not referring to an illumination that comes to us from with-out.  He is talking about an inner illumination -- an inner revelation, acknowledgment, acceptance, identification by us of our ever-present light within." (p. 9) So take a moment now to connect with the light within you and joyfully let it shine!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I AM a creative genius, and I dare to prosper now!

Hello, Creative Geniuses! I am writing to you from the beautiful campus at Unity Village, where I am thrilled to be taking a week of Leadership classes in the Spiritual Education and Enrichment program, fulfilling my requirements towards becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher.

On Tuesday in my Communication Theory class, I gave a presentation on The Creative Process in the Bible from Chapter 27 in Heart-Centered Metaphysics by Paul Hasselbeck.  In this chapter, we see how Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore metaphysically interpreted the creation story in first chapter of Genesis as symbolic of our own creative process in consciousness.  This interpretation inspired Eric Butterworth's The Creative Life, which includes visualization and meditation practices that enhance our experience of our own inspiration and shaping of our dreams and ideas.
  Inspired by our Unity teachings on creation and prosperity, I created a series of prosperity affirmations to use in conjunction with the 7 steps of creation in consciousness. Let's joyously know together that abundance is infinite! It is a Divine Idea that cannot be used up.  

I invite you to join me in practicing these affirmations in your process of creating a life which is prosperous, inspired, and unlimited:

I AM a creative genius, and I dare to prosper now!

Day 1: Let There Be Light

I recognize God as the infinite Source of my supply.  Let there be Light in my finances.

Day 2: Let There Be Faith (firmament - heavens)

The reality of Divine Ideas is my Divine Inheritance.
I have Faith that my prosperity is a Divine Idea, and I have all the means to achieve it.

Day 3: Let There Be Imagination (dry land)

I use Imagination to form and shape my prosperity in my consciousness.  My mind is in the flow of creative ideas!

Day 4: Let There Be Understanding and Will (Sun and moon)

Through spiritual Understanding, I see that my prosperity is manifesting in my life.
Using the power of Will, I become willing to do what is required to manifest my prosperity.

Day 5: Let There Be Discrimination (Judgment) – (Waters swarm with life)
As I realize all the possibilities of creation, I use my power of Discrimination to make wise and appropriate decisions concerning my finances.

Day 6: Let There Be Wisdom and Love (male and female created He them)
Wisdom and Love are united in my consciousness.  My thoughts and feelings work in harmony for the perfect manifestation of my prosperity.
Day 7: God Rested (The Sabbath) 

I see my divine creation, and it is good!

I am a creative genius, and I am grateful.

After each day of creation in Genesis, God said: "and it was good."  Wherever you are in your spiritual and creative practices, remember that any difficult situation can be transformed into good.  While the things of the visible realm are temporary, the Law of Abundance is unchanging, unlimited, and infinite! 


Thursday, January 13, 2011

You are a Creative Genius!

In the beginning, there is chaos, or what is referred to as the formless void.  Before the creation of each day, there is darkness.  Are you experiencing what appears to be a formless void? Perhaps a job ended and you are in a transitional period, or perhaps a relationship has ended. You may have a desire to begin a project, career, or relationship, but are feeling discouraged.  You may be ready to begin something, but may need more clarity, support or motivation. You could have so many ideas about what is next that you feel overwhelmed and stuck.  Perhaps the news of our economy or national events create a less than welcoming environment in which to embark on anything new. 

This time of darkness is a precious time, a time that can be used for creativity and good.  In The Creative Life, Eric Butterworth guides us through the seven days of creation in the Book of Genesis, and explains how these seven days symbolically represent the seven sequential steps to releasing our creative genius.  This process gives us a method for living from within-out, and focuses on EB's theme of releasing our imprisoned splendor.  

The creation story in Genesis, according to EB, was not intended as history. It was written by poets who incorporated symbolic words and forms to explain our creative process in consciousness. We are all creative geniuses, and are constantly creating. It is what we are, as it is what God is.  When we go within, and tap into the infinite possibilities of expression available within us, we reveal our uniqueness and are inspired to create with originality.  As co-creators with God, we are manifesting a world that reflects who we truly are at our level of consciousness.  As we raise our conscious awareness, our lives begin to reflect the expression of divine ideas at a higher level.

I am thrilled to share that I am currently teaching The Creative Life on Thursdays at 5pm at Unity of New York. Last Thursday, we discussed the first day of creation: Let There Be Light! We explored EB's teachings on Light, his meditation and visualization practices, and also created affirmations for bringing forth Light in our lives. I invite you to join us for this heart-centered, prayer-based study of our creative process.  For more information: 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Celebrate Yourself This Christmas Season

Happy Holidays!  Welcome to this glorious season of light, festivity, and joy.  As we become focused on creating the perfect holiday experience, we may find that we are placing a high expectancy on those around us to bring us joy.  You may have heard of the "Christmas Billboard Battle" (as reported by The New York Times) outside the Holland Tunnel:  The Catholic League responded to the American Atheist's billboard of a nativity scene that reads: "You know it's a myth. This season, celebrate reason!" with their own nativity billboard reading: "You Know it's Real. This Season, Celebrate Jesus." You may be wondering how the Christmas story is real for you this year.  How can we let go of our holiday expectations and experience the true gifts of the season?    

In Celebrate Yourself, Eric Butterworth includes a series of inspirational essays which all center on his recurring theme of releasing our imprisoned splendor so that we may find the Truth within ourselves.  While this book was not written specifically about Christmas, I believe it holds many of the keys to experiencing the spiritual gifts of the season.

Gift #1: LOVE

As you peer into the manger, what do you see?  You may notice the wise men bearing gifts and remember that this is a season of gift giving and sharing.  You may notice the angel and the star of David and see the light of peace they bring.  What is the unseen presence that makes this setting so magical?  It is the Presence of God, the Presence of Love. 

EB shares the magical ingredient of the holidays: "Everyone can make a positive contribution to the peace of the whole world by following Jesus' injunction to love one another." (p. 178) Love is the "one creative force" of the universe, and is of highest value and impact in our lives, creating memories that we most treasure. (p. 175)  

As you engage in the celebrations of the season, remember that "you are the universe celebrating itself as you." (p. 1)  As we live from the awareness that life is lived from within-out, we celebrate by "giving a very special blessing to something." (p. 3)  In celebration consciousness, follow EB's guidance and "bless your family, friends, and co-workers as fellow travelers along the journey of life." (p. 3) As you send an extra blessing of love out this season, your love will create a ripple effect that brings joy and healing to our planet.  

As EB states: "Without a doubt the world needs love like a parched desert needs water." (p. 178)  Make loving choices in your gift giving and holiday plans, and know that love makes the biggest impression.  Give yourself the gift of love by letting go of the need to create a perfect holiday, and use the time to spend with your loved ones and friends instead of rushing about. Take time to celebrate yourself! Make one less dessert or trip to the store and use that time, perhaps, to read a beloved Christmas story or poem or just relax in the glow of the lights from your tree with a mug of hot chocolate. 


Christmas is a time of benevolence and purity of heart.  The warmth of the season brings memories of our younger years when we approached life with awe and wonder.  What does the innocence of Christmas mean to you today?  Innocence may mean making a choice for unity.  When family comes together, situations may arise which can lead us to focus on all the things that separate us and we may fall into old habits of negativity.  Instead of taking sides, you can do as EB suggests and "be a positive onlooker." (p. 74)  This is not a passive or "yes-man" position, but one of "an arbiter of good feelings, a center of love." (p. 75)  Let go of judgment because "when you become judgmental, no matter what you say you stand for, you are on the side of the problem." (p. 75)  Become a channel for love, because love is what the world needs.  

You may think that now is the time to set things right by sharing the truth teachings you know.  However, as EB states: "...don't delude yourself that the world needs your religion....The world needs unity, not theology." (p. 76)  He continues his theme of seeing things right rather than setting them right by guiding us to a better approach: to "be a meta-missionary." (p. 76-77)  This means making the effort to see the people right rather than the "misguided effort to set them right." (p. 77)  Become a center of love and "your influence will be more in what you are than in what you say." (p. 77)  Because you have lifted your consciousness to the awareness of love, "you will be centered in a circle of protection" and "no harm can befall you." (p. 77-78) You will lift all those around you to your higher level of consciousness.  EB teaches us to build bridges in our lives through love, and perhaps we can once again experience Christmas with the innocent wonder of our younger self. 


We rejoice in the birth of Jesus because it represents the birth of our inner divinity.  Remember EB's theme that Jesus placed the emphasis on you, on your unfoldment.  EB notes that the good news of the gospel is: "not that Jesus alone was divine, but that all persons are inherently divine." (p. 64)  While your Christ consciousness is birthing within you, know that you have a reason to celebrate yourself!  This universe made you in and of itself and there is an upward pull in you - what EB calls a "god spell" - to realize your Oneness with God. EB tells us to let go of stress and strain and know that the universe has a vested interest in us.  Rejoice in the essence of Jesus' message: "Take heart! The whole universe is on your side! You can achieve! You can succeed! You can overcome!" (p. 65)

What is real about Christmas this year is that Love is alive and awakened within you.  You have the power to celebrate who you are today, knowing that you are on the right path and divinely guided in the fulfillment of all of your dreams.   We can follow Jesus' great teaching to love one another, and we must begin by becoming a center of love. We start by loving ourselves and celebrating all that we are and our great potential within. 

May you discover all the spiritual gifts this season has in store for you, and remember to celebrate yourself with love!